Lyrics for Boker Tov/Laila Tov Recording

boker_tovGood Morning, Boker Tov

Music & lyrics by: Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

Good morning, Boker tov, tov, tov
Good morning, Boker tov
Good morning, Boker tov, tov, tov
Good morning, Boker tov.
The sun’s coming up
It’s time to get out of bed.
It’s time to start a brand new day
Get up, sleepy head.

Rise and Shine

The Lord said to Noah,
”There’s gonna be a floody, floody (repeat)
Get those children out of the muddy, muddy
Children of the Lord.

CHORUS: So, Rise and shine and give God your glory, glory (repeat 3x)
Children of the Lord.

So, Noah, he built them,
He built them an arky, arky (repeat)
Made it out of hickory barky, barky
Children of the Lord


The animals they come on
They came on by twosies, twosies (repeat)
Elephants and kangaroosies, roosies
Children of the Lord.


It rained and rained for 40 daysies, daysies (repeat)
Drove those animals nearly crazy, crazy
Children of the Lord.


The sun came out and dried up the landy, landy (repeat)
Everything was find and dandy, dandy
Children of the Lord.

Kum Bachur Atzeyl

Israeli; English lyrics: Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

Kum bachur atzeyl v’tzey l’avodah (2x)
Kum, kum v’tzey l’avodah (2x)
Kukuriku, kukuriku tarn’gol kara (2x)

Get up you lazy boy (girl)
It’s time to go to school (work)
Rise and shine, get up, get out of bed
Rise and shine, get up you sleepy head.
Kukuriku, kukuriku, that’s the rooster’s song (2x)

Bim Bam/Shabbat Shalom

(this song welcomes the Sabbath)
Bim bam, bim, bim, bim, bam
Bim, bim, bim, bim, bim, bam
Shabbat, shalom (clap) 2x)
Shabbat, Shabbat, Shabbat
Shabbat, Shalom.

David Melech Yisrael

David Melech Yisrael
Chai, chai v’kayam.

(David, the king of Israel lives forever in the hearts of our people)

Dayenu (Passover)

Chorus: Dai, dai-ye-nu (3x)
Dai-ye-nu, dai-ey-nu, dai-ey-nu
(It would have been enough)

Ilu hotzi, hotzi anu, hotzi anu mi-mitz-ra-yim
Hotzi anu mi-mitz-ra-yim, dayenu!
(Had God done nothing more than take us out of Egypt, it would have been enough!)

Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Shabbat
Natan lanu et ha-Shabbat, dayenu!
(Had God given us the Sabbath and done nothing more, it would have been enough!)

Ilu-natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Torah
Natan lanu et ha-Torah, dayenu!
(Had God given us the Torah and done nothing more, it would have been enough!)

Hokey Pokey (Hebrew Style)

You put your yad (hand) in
You take your yad out
You put your yad in
And you shake it all about
You do the hokey pokey Hebrew style and turn around
That’s what it’s all about.
Regel – leg
Rosh – head
Goof – whole self
Ozen – ear
Berech – knee
Yashvan (tush) – behind
Marpayk – elbow
Katayf – shoulder
Peh – mouth
Ahf – nose

Zum Gali, Gali

Chorus: Zum, gali, gali, gali, Zum gali, gali

Hechalutz l’ma-an avodah
Avodah l’ma-an hechalutz

(The pioneer is supposed to work, work is for the pioneer)

Ha-shalom l’ma-an ha-amim
Ha-amim l’ma-an ha-shalom

(Peace is for everyone, everyone should have peace)

Let us face each day with cheer
Without worry, frown or fear

A Rum Sum Sum

(Morrocan silly song)

A rum sum sum (2x)
Gooly, gooly, gooly, gooly rum sum sum
A rufi, a rufi, gooly, gooly, gooly, gooly rum sum sum

Everytime you sing “a rum sum sum” – tap palms of hands on thighs
Everytime you sing “gooly” – make fists with hands and roll hands around each other in front of you
Everytime you sing “a rufi” – raise hands up above head and back down to lap

Y’mina/Simi Yadech

Y’mina, y’mina, s’mola, s’mola
L’fanim achora
La, la la…

Right, right, left, left
Forward and backwards.
La, la la…

Simi yadech b’yadi ani shelach v’at sheli
Hey, hey galiya, bat harim y’fay-fi-ya

Put your hand in my hand
I am yours and you are mine
Hey, hey, you’re my friend
Let’s dance around till the song ends.

Days Pass & Years Go By (Hayamim Cholfim)

Hayamim cholfim shana overet (repeat)
Aval ha-mangina (3x)
L’olam nish’eret.

Days pass and years go by ever and ever (2x)
And as our voices sing
Ring out with songs we sing
The song always stays the same
Ever and ever.

(Yiddish folksong)

U’ch’she’omar l’cha dodi
Tomru kulchem chiri, biri, bim
U’ch’she’omar likrat kallah
Tomru kulchem chiri, biri, bam
L’cha dodi – chiri, biri, bim
Likrat kallah – chiri, biri bam
L’cha dodi, likrat kallah
Chiri, chiri, biri, biri, bim, bim, bim

Chiri bim (chiri bim)
Chiri bam (chiri bam)
Chiri bim, bam, bim, bam biri bam
Oy, chiri biri, biri, bim, bim, bam (4x)

When you hear me say, “L’cha dodi”
Then you’ll answer, “Chiri biri bim”
L’cha dodi– chiri, biri, bim
Likrat kallah – chiri, biri bam
L’cha dodi, likrat kallah
Chiri, chiri, biri, biri, bim, bim, bim

Keshet (Rainbow)

Music & Lyrics by: Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

Keshet (rainbow), keshet (rainbow)
I like to see you up in the sky so pretty
You hide your face ’till after it rains
Then paint the sky with your colors
Keshet (rainbow), keshet (rainbow)
Purple and pink, red, yellow, blue and orange
Keshet (rainbow), keshet (rainbow)
I’d like to see you up in the sky more often.

copyright, 1983, Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

(Yiddish Folk Song)

Chorus: Tumbalala, tumbalala
Tumbalalaika shpil balalaika
Tumbalalaika freilach zoll zein.

A young man is thinking all night of a plan
Is it the time to ask for her hand?
A maiden so young, a maiden so fair
A maiden he loves with beauty so rare.


Pretty young maiden tell me again
What can grow, grow without rain?
What can burn for many long years?
And what can cry, cry without tears?


Silly, young man, why ask again?
It’s a stone that can grow, grow without rain.
It’s love that can burn for many long years
And a heart that can cry, cry without shedding a tear.


Lots of Love

Music & Lyrics by: Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

There is lots and lots of love in each and every one of us
All we have to do is look inside
There is lots and lots of love in each and every one of us
It shouldn’t be too hard to find.

V’ahavta l’ray-echa k’mocha
Asay ma-aseh yashar
Be kind to your neighbor
Always do what’s right.

Shalom Rav

Music by: Cantor Karen Berman

Shalom rav, al Yisrael
Amcha tasim l’olam
Ki ata hu melech adon
L’chol ha-shalom.
V’tov b’einecha l’va-rech
Et amcha Yisrael
B’chol et u’v’chol sha-ah
Baruch ata Adonai
Oseh ha-shalom.

Laila Tov Song

Words by: Judy Caplan Ginsburgh

From bough to bough on every tree
A bird to bird sings quietly
Good night, good night to you
Sweet dreams, good night to you
Laila tov!

And when the setting sun appears
You’ll know that night is drawing near
Good night, good night to you
Sweet dreams, good night to you
Laila tov!

Now sleep until the night is through
And morning comes to waken you
Good night, good night to you
Sweet dreams, good night to you
Laila tov!

Shabbos Zoll Zein
(Yiddish Folk Song)

Shabbos, shabbos, shabbos
Yiden zoll zein Shabbos
Shabbos zoll zein.

Substitute: Yontif (holidays) and Shalom (peace) for Shabbos (Sabbath)

(Jews should all have Shabbath, holidays and peace)

Good Night, Laila Tov

(2nd part of song – Music & Lyrics by Judy Caplan Ginsburgh)

Laila tov (6x)
V’shayna m’tukah (4x)

(good night and have a sweet sleep)

Good night, Laila tov…
The sun’s setting now
The moon will soon be here
It’s time to settle down to sleep
Good night, laila tov.